National Resource for
Mechanistic Modeling of Cellular Systems

This Resource formally brings together two foundational software packages, COPASI and Virtual Cell (VCell). The Resource will maintain and enhance these two widely used shared modeling tools. As the VCell and COPASI platforms were developed over the last two decades, researchers have come to recognize and appreciate the ability to explore quantitative experimental data within the context of specific mechanistic hypotheses and to use the predictive power of simulation for experimental design. Today computational analysis is a driving force in complex experiments while computational models are leading to the development of experimental methods.

Over the years, the VCell and COPASI development teams have been committed to educating our user communities on the value of mathematical modeling and how to utilize modeling techniques in their research. In parallel, the team has been actively committed to supporting the expanding field of computational cell biology. Accordingly, we have created this Computational Cell Biology website as a source of information about cell biology modeling for the entire research community. Here you can find out about standards, other software tools and the many available workshops for in depth training throughout the year. Visit the links to learn more about COPASI or VCell as well as SpringSaLaD, a newer software tool being developed here at the University of Connecticut School of Medicine.

COPASI software is for simulation and analysis of biochemical networks and their dynamics.

SpringSaLaD is for explicitly modeling binding events and state changes among multivalent molecules using Langevin Dynamics.

VCell is a comprehensive platform for modeling cell biological systems using nonspatial (ODE or stochastic) or spatial (PDE or stochastic) methods.

CCB News

07.09.24. Preparation for CompCellBio workshop

CCAM is preparing for the 25th on-site Computational Cell Biology workshop that will take place at 400 Farmington Ave July 22-24th.

07.08.24. New Version of COPASI released (4.44 build 295)

The new version of COPASI has numerous bug fixes. Get it from COPASI Download.

06.27.24. Two CellBio 2024 sessions will be chaired by CCAM faculty

American Society for Cell Biology announced the program for the incoming CellBio 2024 meeting in San Diego, December 14-18

  • Saturday, December 14, 11:15 AM-12:45PM, Special Interest Subgroup on Biophysical Modeling of the Cell, chaired by Michael Blinov and Margaret Johnson (JHU)
  • Sunday, December 15, 5:00 PM-6:30 PM, Workshop on Mathematical Modeling in Cell Biology, chaired by Leslie Loew
05.14.24. The BPS 2024 sessions will be chaired by Les Loew

American Society for Cell Biology announced the program for the incoming Les Loew will Chair and present at a workshop entitled: "Multiscale Biophysical Modelling of the Cell" to take place at the Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Societya> February 15-19, 2025, in Los Angeles, California. The session will be on Feb. 18, 7:30 PM–9:30 PM

02-01-23. New VCell Release 7.5

Please see VCell Release History for a comprehensive list of the new features and enhancements.

Please see News for a complete listing.